Yaqin speaker tells you how to prolong the service life of the tube amplifier

Information summary:
In use, the electron tube should have good ventilation and heat dissipation, the overheating temperature will shorten the life of the electron tube, so it is necessary to keep the electron tube at a lower temperature as far as possible.

In use, the electron tube should have good ventilation and heat dissipation, the overheating temperature will shorten the life of the electron tube, so it is necessary to keep the electron tube at a lower temperature as far as possible. 

Yaqin speaker tells you how to prolong the service life of the tube amplifier

The electronic tube is afraid of vibration, so it is also very important to take anti vibration measures to avoid vibration as far as possible. If these two points are achieved, the service life of the electron tube can be at least doubled. For this reason, there should be proper space around the electron tube equipment, especially above it, so as to have good convective ventilation. If possible, fans can be used to help heat dissipation.

The cathode of electron tube will be damaged before it reaches the required temperature, that is, when high voltage power supply is added, and the life of electron tube will be shortened. Therefore, if the electronic tube equipment has a preheating device, it must be used. For example, turn on the filament low-voltage power supply for preheating, and then turn on the high-voltage power supply. If there is no preheating device, do not rush to connect the input signal, turn off the volume to the minimum, and wait for 20-30 minutes to warm the machine before using it. If the side heating rectifier is used to supply the whole machine with high voltage, it just provides a simple and effective high voltage delay. In addition, in normal use, do not switch the power supply frequently.

Of course, if the electronic tube circuit is correctly designed and misused, the electronic tube will not die prematurely. It should be normal for the electronic tube to use thousands of listening hours. The most common errors in the circuit design are too high potential difference between the filament and cathode of the electron tube, the maximum voltage of the screen or curtain grid of the electron tube, too low or too high filament voltage of the electron tube, overheating of the electrode caused by improper installation position of the electron tube and no delay device for the high voltage power supply

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1、产品分类:本标准对产品分类主要按座面弹性材料、包覆面料和使用功能进行分类。 2、主要尺寸要求:本标准对产品主要尺寸中的座前宽和座深保留外,对座前和背高的尺寸作了相应调整改动,并取消了扶手高的尺寸规定和外形尺寸偏差的要求。