What is the difference between single-ended and push-pull?

Information summary:
According to the formation of power amplifier output stage amplifying circuit, it can be divided into single-ended amplifier and push-pull amplifier. 

According to the formation of power amplifier output stage amplifying circuit, it can be divided into single-ended amplifier and push-pull amplifier. Because the push-pull method is easier to obtain high power, it is a very common circuit form, but because the push-pull circuit requires good component consistency, it also needs to be paired, especially the bile duct of the power output stage is more stringent. Therefore, there are some distortions objectively. 

What is the difference between single-ended and push-pull?

However, if a single tube is used in the final circuit to work in a single-ended Class A state, there will be no problems that cannot be avoided in the push-pull mode. Therefore, the single-ended sound is much better than the push-pull one, especially in some small details. However, it is difficult to achieve large power for single-ended tubes. For example, with the same type of tube, it can only achieve 10W in single-ended mode, and it is easy to achieve 30W in push-pull mode. There is a price to pay for larger power. At the same time, in terms of technology, single-ended machines are more difficult to handle than push-pull machines.

 Therefore, single-ended circuits are often used in high-end machines, and push-pull circuits are used in popular machines. If you want to choose a class-A single-ended machine with both high-grade and cost-effectiveness, we first recommend Yaqin's MS-845, which is definitely the best in this type of machine.

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