What are the precautions for using the tube amplifier?

Information summary:
The load (speaker) should be connected before the power is turned on. Don't send the signal without connecting the load or the load is short-circuited after the power is turned on.

1. The load (speaker) should be connected before the power is turned on. Don't send the signal without connecting the load or the load is short-circuited after the power is turned on.

What are the precautions for using the tube amplifier?

2. Do not use the power supply too high or too low. The power supply voltage should preferably be within 5% of the specified voltage. It is best to use AC stabilized power supply if the power supply often exceeds this voltage value during use.

3. The temperature of the amplifier is high when it is working, so please pay attention to ventilation and heat dissipation.

4. Do not spill liquid on the tube during startup or within a period of time (within 30 minutes) just after shutdown. Generally, pay attention to the above-mentioned problems during use. The tube amplifier can work reliably.

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1、产品分类:本标准对产品分类主要按座面弹性材料、包覆面料和使用功能进行分类。 2、主要尺寸要求:本标准对产品主要尺寸中的座前宽和座深保留外,对座前和背高的尺寸作了相应调整改动,并取消了扶手高的尺寸规定和外形尺寸偏差的要求。


1、产品分类:本标准对产品分类主要按座面弹性材料、包覆面料和使用功能进行分类。 2、主要尺寸要求:本标准对产品主要尺寸中的座前宽和座深保留外,对座前和背高的尺寸作了相应调整改动,并取消了扶手高的尺寸规定和外形尺寸偏差的要求。