Can you introduce the combined amplifier and the front and back stage amplifier?

Information summary:
The combined amplifier has the following characteristics

The combined amplifier has the following characteristics

Can you introduce the combined amplifier and the front and back stage amplifier?

1. The pre signal amplification and the post amplifier amplification are placed in one cabinet. Users only need to connect the external sound source and the speaker to make it sound, which is convenient to use;

2. The combined amplifier is a multi-functional integrated amplifier with the control functions of multiple sound source input selection, volume and tone;

3. The front and back stage amplifiers are designed to put the front small signal amplifier and the back stage power amplifier in different chassis respectively, and connect them through special connecting lines outside. The front and back stage amplifiers can not be used independently, but can only be used together;

4. The structure, distribution and material consumption of the front and rear stage split amplifier are more reasonable. Because the front and rear stages have their own independent chassis, power supply and control system, the mutual interference can be minimized, and the grade is higher than that of the combined amplifier, and the price may be much higher.

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1、产品分类:本标准对产品分类主要按座面弹性材料、包覆面料和使用功能进行分类。 2、主要尺寸要求:本标准对产品主要尺寸中的座前宽和座深保留外,对座前和背高的尺寸作了相应调整改动,并取消了扶手高的尺寸规定和外形尺寸偏差的要求。


1、产品分类:本标准对产品分类主要按座面弹性材料、包覆面料和使用功能进行分类。 2、主要尺寸要求:本标准对产品主要尺寸中的座前宽和座深保留外,对座前和背高的尺寸作了相应调整改动,并取消了扶手高的尺寸规定和外形尺寸偏差的要求。